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MWO! Clan Timberwolf goes head to head with an Innersphere Atlas
MechWarrior Online - Timberwolf - TBR-D - 4xC-ERMLAS 2xC-LPL - 734 damage - 4 kills - Noose
A Solo look at Community Warfare in Mechwarrior Online Part 2: Inner Sphere Versus Clans
MWO! Battles in two max weight assault mechs Innersphere Atlas DDC and Clan Direwolf
MWO Inner Sphere VS Clans
Atlas Headshot Stream Highlight MWO
They had NO IDEA how much DAMAGE this MONSTER does! - Mad Cat - German Mechgineering #658 #mwo
MWO! Battle in Caustic Valley using Atlas DDC with AC20, 3 SRM6 and 2 Medium Lasers
MechWarrior Online: Inner Sphere vs Clan IIC Duel #MWO
MWO Get Legged! Timberwolf explores the dangers of reducing leg armor in favor of more ammo!
MWO Battles! LRM Timberwolf Dishes out High damage (over 858 damage dealt)
MWO! Battle on HPG Manifold Conquest using an Assualt Atlas DDC mech with big alpha